Friday, May 23, 2008

Love at First Bite

A couple weeks ago Julian picked a small package of Oreo's for his treat in the checkout line at Target. I didn't realize until we got home that it was the first time this almost 3 year old has had an Oreo! What kind of mother am I?
The more I thought about it, I began to realize that buying a whole package of Oreo's in my house would translate into ME eating the entire package myself since Ped doesn't indulge in such goodness (hence, the non-Oreo situation in our household.)

This boy can't get enough! It's like he's making up for lost time. Turns out there's a little of me in him after all. Needless to say Oreo's will never be off my shopping list again. And I have a feeling a dentist visit isn't too far off in our future!


Unknown said...

I love that chocolatey goodness too Julian! I can polish off a box of those in minutes.
Here's an insider tip...
pour milk into that little container he has in the picture & eat it like'll never go back to dipping again!

cristy said...

Mike is a bit like Ped too, and it turns out the rest of us are made from the same mold. I ate Mike's entire birthday cake in about a day.

Ally, you are wise. So wise!

Mary said...

I feel bad because I was trying to explain to him the difference between double stuf and original at the store today (the double stuf has more cream, julian). Luckily for both of us he chose the plastic container of 'baby oreo's'.

Good tip, Ally. I'll have to try that next time he doesn't want to eat breakfast...don't tell ped.

kirk and carrie said...

Dude...he's going to get the cheeks and double chin he had as a baby back. YES!!!!

In all seriousness, how could you keep him from oreos for so long? That's like not letting a child see the sun, or play in grass.

Unknown said...

Check it out! I like the little cups she bakes them in.