Friday, November 7, 2008

Latest News...

I had a routine Dr's appointment yesterday. I met with Dr. Beatty! I met her once while I was pregnant with Julian. She's great, just like all the other doctor's in the practice. She was very patient and allowed Julian to sit on the table next to me while she gave me a quick ultrasound to check the heart rates of the girls. No relation to us, but same pronunciation and spelling, not very common! 

She gave me some insight about my delivery. I have another 'high-powered' ultrasound in 2 weeks. If baby 'A' is still breech at that point, they will schedule me for a c-section for the delivery on my due date. So now is the time I need everyone to think good thoughts and hope that baby 'A' will change her position in the next 2 weeks. She's kind of in a sideways/breech position. I really don't want a c-section! 

In other pregnancy related news, I bought a belly-band yesterday at the advice of Dr. Beatty. Man, what a difference it has made! My back feels fully supported and I'm already having fewer contractions. I should have listened to Mom Beatty weeks ago when she suggested buying one.

I know this picture is unrelated to the post, but I love it and had to put it up. 


Hetrick family said...

TWO WEEKS!! Wow, we'll pray for a shift in Baby A! How exciting though! I can't believe that either way you are at 58 days to go! This little one in my belly is a kickin' fool, I love it.
Glad the belly band worked for you. Sore backs are terrible. And that picture of Julian and Abby is so precious.

cristy said...

So Mom does know best. Huh. Go figure. Just kidding!!! Pregnancy is one area that she does know!

Praying that little one decides to turn.

kirk and carrie said...

If she doesn't turn I know someone who can perform a little black magic that just might do the trick. Unfortunately, she also induces labor. That's why they call her "The Inducer." Ask Allison about it.

Mary said...

Ah yes, the voodoo spell Emily cast on Allison's belly. I remember that well.

Unknown said...

I've spent the past year trying to forget it. Thanks for re-opening that wound.

Whit and Steve said...

I can't believe you are SO CLOSE!! It has flown by.. well, for me at least.. HA.. You need to post a picture of your progressing belly.. I'm sure you look GREAT!! And yes, I'll pray for a turn in "baby A"!! Congrats again!!