Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another day, another ultrasound...

I had another ultrasound yesterday. The perinatologist measured them and checked their positions. Baby B, or 'baby breach' as she will now be known, is still butt-down. He told me that there is still time for her to move, so I shouldn't be resigned to the c-section just yet. 
He also told me that Baby A is approximately 2 pounds 6 ounces, and Baby B is 2 pounds 14 ounces. This means they are now less than a week behind what a singleton baby would measure at this age. My last appointment had them at a little over a week behind singletons, so this was good news!
Overall, it was a good report and made me feel like the pain of it all is paying off.
In other milestone news: I have finally gotten back the 20 pounds I lost in the beginning of the pregnancy. Whoo hoo.


Unknown said...

Good to hear! Hope baby B decides to flip!
When all is said & done I'll bet you'll be 5 lbs bigger than your start weight. That is crazy, I can't believe they aren't concerned about that! At least the babies are gaining weight, even if you aren't!

kirk and carrie said...

Wait, are you telling me that if I get pregnant with twins I'll gain 5lbs total and then lose 15lbs the second they start breastfeeding?

I'm gonna go find Kirk...

Hetrick family said...

Turn Baby, TURN!!

Yeah, so I am only 25 weeks, and I have gained 15 lbs. And...I am only carrying ONE baby. Not complaining. Just saying the chubby face is coming-- as it always does at the end of my pregnancy.

So glad you are hanging in there Mary. I know it hasn't been easy. You are SO CLOSE!!

The Fiscus Family said...

Glad to hear they are doing so well & that you are slowly gaining some weight back! I hope B-girl spins around for you :)

Is the belly band really helpful? I am thinking of getting one...but after reading about them wondering if it'll be too tight & uncomfortable, but my back would probably thank me...??