Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Oh, to wake up with hair looking like that everyday. Lucky, lucky girls.


kirk and carrie said...

Va va voom! So much body! It's not fair. I love that serious face. I used to be so good at telling them apart. I feel like a failure at it now. That said, I'm guessing Sophia. If I'm wrong just tell me I'm right.

Hetrick family said...

Seriously---the HAIR on these girls. It is the stuff of dreams. Absolutely stunning. :)

allison said...

Are you sure you don't set their hair in hot rollers each night??

Mary said...

Allison, I've been thinking maybe the reason our girls have this hair is because we don't cut off their baby mullets?

Hetrick family said...

Dang-it....you mean to tell me if I would have dealt with that mullet, Liv's hair MIGHT grow passed her shoulders? That's tragic. I am totally in awe of Abby, Callie, and now the twins. All of them--so lucky.