Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another re-fashion

This time I used an old skirt from J.Crew that I love, but since it no longer fit me, I was going to donate it. I really like that not only was most of the work already done for me (hems, side seams), it was also lined and has a nice grosgrain hem.

First step: cut off the top, leaving 2-3 inches of fabric longer than you want the skirt to be.

Next step: cut your elastic to the correct length and sew the ends together to form a circle. Turn the skirt inside out and pull the waist through and then over top of the elastic.

Start pinning! Try to make the gathers as even as possible by sectioning off with the pins.

Next: sew through your elastic as you work your way around the skirt. A zig zag stitch will help to reinforce it as well if you feel like the straight stitch isn't strong enough for the weight of the elastic.

Final step: turn right side out.

See how nice the lining and hem are? And I didn't have to do either of those things.

1 comment:

allison said...

I'm gonna drop off a huge bag of old clothes & have you re-fashion them all for me. K??
Money saver + the clothes are unique!