Wednesday, December 10, 2008

She flipped!

I had an ultrasound yesterday and was surprised to find out that Baby 'B' has indeed turned and is now vertex, or head-down. Just when I was starting to get used to the idea of a c-section...if their time in the womb is any indication, these girls will be throwing me for a loop their whole lives! 
It feels like a full-time boxing match is going on inside my belly these days. My mom thinks one is bound to come out with a black eye. 


Unknown said...

You know sisters, always fighting...they start so young these days!
Or if they are like Abby they are dancing!

Hetrick family said...

Aww..that is GREAT news!!

How does it work with twins as far as when is it "time"? Will they let you go as long as possible or do you have an induction date? You are SO close!! I can't even imagine what TWO moving around in there would feel like. One is enough to make my stomach turn sometimes!
I can't wait to see pictures of Julian with his girls :)

kirk and carrie said...

Neither of them will have hair. You know they've already pulled each others out now that their heads are the same way. Girls fight dirty.

Whit and Steve said...

Yay!! That's great!! You're getting closer! So exciting!! What is your actual due date?

cristy said...

Funny Ally. (Abby is quite the dancer though.) I am going to go with dancing!