Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry for the Hiatus...

I know it has been a long time since my last post. I have been reminded by my mom, almost daily, while she looks at all the family blogs. So here are the updates:

My sickness seems to finally be going away. The horrible feeling of vomiting 10 times in one day is hopefully a thing of the past. I think my doctor either finally got the treatment right (6 hour long infusions) or my body is finally adjusting to the 2 critters within! At my low point, I had lost 20 pounds. So far, I have gained about 10 of that back, hooray! 

I need to send an overdue Thank You out to my mom, dad and sisters (and even a couple of game-loving brothers and 2 patient dogs) for all the help these past few months. I couldn't have done it without all of you!

The other big news is I went in for my 20 week ultrasound. After an hour of prodding me (very hard at times) the doctor was only able to determine the sex of ONE of the babies. Talk about a buzzkill! I had been waiting for that day when I thought I could really start planning and shopping and get the full picture of what awaits us...but seeing as how this whole pregnancy has gone, I really shouldn't have been surprised! So for those of you who don't know yet, I found out I will be having at least one GIRL!

I think I was so disappointed about not knowing the sex of the other baby that I let it take over my excitement for finding out the sex of at least one. I realized this when I looked at Allison's blog entry entitled "Thank Heaven for little girls". I think that's when it really hit me and made me appreciate how different and great it will be to have another girl around the house. I've grown accustomed to boys taking over our home and now this will at least put one player on my team!

I have about 4 weeks to wait until my next ultrasound and I want everyone to cross their fingers that the other baby won't be covering their privates with their hand this time.


Hetrick family said... sweet little girl!! How exciting?!! I am sure you'll know the WHOLE story in a month (at least I hope). How exciting and suspenseful!

I am so happy that your sickness is finally subsiding! I can't imagine what these months have been like. Hopefully you will have a nice easy ride to the finish now!

It has been so nice getting all the current news on your whole family! This blogging is pretty special. We love FINALLY "knowing" you all!
So glad your blog is back and running! Can't wait to see some pictures of your TWINS BELLY!

(My friend, Ruth, just found out she is having IDENTICAL boys. She is so excited because they have 3 girls!)

kirk and carrie said...

Dude, I was just checking in to see how many more days you have until the munchkins arrive and you actually updated the blog! Crazy. You should be happy you have one modest little kid. Just think, you won't ever have to worry about indecent exposures.

Whit and Steve said...

I'm so glad to see an update!! I check back everyday to see how you are doing and today was the lucky day!! YAY!! I'm glad you are feeling better, that must be a huge relief!! 20 LBS?? Ouch!! I'm glad you're gtting back on track. Although, losing 20 lbs sounds pretty good to me right about now!! Congrats on at least one girl!! That's so exciting!! I can't wait to see prego pictures of your progress!! I hope everything else is going well!!

Unknown said...

I stopped checking for updates a while ago. Glad you're back at it, even though I already knew how everything was going.
I hope you are taking pictures of yourself (even though you aren't that big yet). But you should post that!

cristy said...

I happy the sickness is over (my fingers are crossed & I just knocked on wood -- so, don't blame me if things change!), but I bet I am not as glad as you!

The Fiscus Family said...

We're happy to hear that you're finally getting past that awful sickness and feeling better...hope that continues :) Congratulations on one baby girl!!!!... and maybe two??!!!! I bet that's killin' you not knowing, so much to plan for! We'll be anxious to hear if he/she cooperates next time! Take care~