Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcoming Summer


kirk and carrie said...

You guys do summer right! The little bathing suits are dang cute! Also, not sure if you noticed but you have a wild child running around naked in your backyard.

As always, great pictures!

allison said...

I love those bathing suits (mostly Julian's)! Cute.

Hetrick family said...

Those swimsuits are just pure perfection!! The kids look so big, and so happy!!

Pics of your girls remind me how fast everything is coming since my Sophia is just a few months behind them! :( Too too fast!!

And as for Julian--what is it with boys and nudity?? They are so comfortable in their natural state!

cristy said...

Gosh, I feel like I need most of those pictures printed & hung in my house... what are YOU to do? Love, love, love the girls' suits! I wish they made one in my size, but I think something would be lost in translation -- especially once it hit my body. Darn!