Thursday, April 22, 2010

You can't make this stuff up


allison said...

Twins are such a wonder.
p.s. yours are the cutest twins ever!

cristy said...

twin twinkle toes!

the're outfits are the cutest...well, technically they are the cutest, but their matching outfits are a close second!

Love them & miss them-- even more after seeing this!

Hetrick family said...

Wow. And all the cool twin stuff has only just begun. I can't believe you noticed those precious toes, let alone--that they stayed that way long enough to photograph. They are getting so big, and so pretty !

I was always jealous of a set of twins at school. They were identical and in high school, they used to study for one subject each--and then take each other's tests. you always knew it was test day when they came to school dressed the same :) you have to admit--that's clever!

Mary said...

I actually didn't even realize their toes were doing that until I uploaded the pictures onto the computer. I just thought their little legs looked cute side by side.

Sometimes I think they couldn't be more different, then something like this pops up.