Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hard to tell a story without a camera...

Are you surprised? After all our camera drama last year(lost cord, lost camera), it is only fitting that it is now broken. Someone is using her height to her advantage by pulling everything off of the table and countertops and throwing the objects to the ground.
Our camera is the most recent casualty.

So while I would love to post pictures of signing Julian up for kindergarten, or the girls in their new birthday clothes, or just general silliness, I can't.
Poor me.

Stay tuned...maybe I can scan pictures in. How archaic.


allison said...

I've been wondering what's going on...it's been a while since you've posted & even longer since we've seen you in person!
Callie said- "I really want to see the twins. I want to see how tall they got when they turned 1!"
(silly girl thinks you grow on your birthday:)

Hetrick family said...

Oh Mary...boo:(

I've been missing pictures of everyone. Hope to see them soon.

allison said...

Cameras just aren't kid proof I guess- seeing as mine, yours & carrie's were all recently broken by kids. Pretty lame.

cristy said...

Darn it! Hopefully you are up and running again soon. I do miss my weekly fix of Urtz photos!

Whit and Steve said...

Sad times! We've had a few close calls with mine too.

Hopefully it won't be too hard (or expensive) to fix. I've been watching your blog waiting for an update too.

Hopefully soon! maybe you should scan some old school pictures of you and your sisters from the good old days... just an idea :)