Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big news!

I found my cord! Just when I was ready to give up and order a new one. It was in a toy box, which would normally make Julian responsible for losing it, but the box was on a high shelf which means the other suspect is not off the hook. I'm just happy to retire my detective's hat until the next mystery arises.

Here are some pictures of our recent adventures: 

In other news, Julian called me over to the computer the other day to tell me he found pictures of Peter and Freddy.

He was totally serious.


kirk and carrie said...

Super cute pictures! The girls are getting big I should visit them...and the rest of you of course.

I have to ask, where did Julian find those pictures? That is the funniest thing I've ever heard! I don't understand how a kid that can't read or write uses the internet. I also don't understand how he "finds" pictures of Pete and Freddie on a computer. That boy is so silly!

allison said...

That picture of Peter is so cute! Cristy never showed me that one.
And man that Freddie...cookin' up a kitty, what a dickens!

Looks like a fun day at Funderland!

Hetrick family said...

YAY!!! So glad you found your cord. Wow--the girls have sure grown in its absence!!!

Clearly Julian is a model, but his little sisters are gonna give him a run for his money! They really are precious. I love the little checks they are getting and I adore the one shot of them "hugging".

So glad that all of you are doing great! Thanks for all the fun pictures!

Whit and Steve said...

Cute pictures!! They're little cuddlebugs! The crying one is a good one. She's screaming and the other one is like, "what is wrong with her"! So cute!
The pictures julian found are so funny! All this time freddie has been the chef of the family and you guys never let on... Man, your secrets out now! He's so cute!

cristy said...

Hehe. That does look a bit like our Petey, & that dog is a dead ringer for Freddie. Julian you are a whiz kid, & you crack me up.

Thanks for sharing those gems, Mary!

Those pictures of the kids are really cute. I like the up close one of Julian in the hat. The girls get cuter every time I see them.

Mike wants to know where you found that sweet long ride.

Mary said...
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